There is no way to live without some frustration and other “negative” emotions and thoughts. Actually, no feelings are negative unless we reject them. So, experiencing what is emotionally, physically and mentally, is a fundamental life skill to be cultivated. One of the most effective ways I’ve found is this meditation which I use almost every day.

The Pyramid Meditation  (guided video)

Sit upright on a chair or meditation cushion in a gently aligned posture – head relaxing up, bottom relaxing down.

Breathe and relax. 

Bring your awareness/energy to the base of your pelvis, your “sitz” bones.

Let your awareness sink down into the ground, into the earth underneath you.

Let tension drop down and away from you into the earth. Feel yourself positively  grounded, settled, nourished by Mother Earth.

When you’re ready, bring your awareness back up through the earth, then up through your feet and legs back to the sitz bones and then to the coccyx, your “tail bone.”

From here draw a line of energy up from the coccyx, though each curve of the spine in turn, eventually up to the crown of the head.  As you bring your awareness up through your body, if you encounter any emotional or physical tension along the way, just let go if you easily can - breathing in and then just breathing it out.

When you get to the crown of your head, contact your “higher self”, that part of you that is not self-critical, and acknowledge yourself for the hard work you have done in your life, to be yourself – none of us get here without effort, without hard work.

From the crown now extend a line of energy high up into the sky above you, to an apex point of a “pyramid” where you can visualize all sentient beings meet.  Remember that you are not truly alone, we are supported by countless other people’s work and love, plants, animals, the earth itself. Relax into the knowledge of being together in this.

Now from that high point in the sky create a kind of “pyramid” around this time and space.

Sweep out from the pyramid anything that might stand in our way – any   needless worry, mental activity, anxiety.

Cultivate feelings of peace, security, and clarity and safety within the pyramid.

Now bring your awareness back up to the point in the sky.

Let your awareness come down to the crown, then through the brow, the throat, the heart, solar plexus, belly, and again to the pelvis, bringing your awareness to your sitz bones.

Rest now, feeling centered between heaven and earth and complete within yourself.

Then let all imagery go and just be.

Feel how good it feels just to be.
