"THE ART OF TOUCH” page consists of new and older posts featuring anatomy, physiology, bodywork techniques, bodymind theory, poetry and music. Many of these are reprinted from my newest book, “The Memory Palace of Bones, co-authored with Dr. Jeff Rockwell. Others are featured in my on-line book and course, “The Art of Massage.” Some have appeared originally in magazine publications, on my Deep Massage Society facebook page or in my free monthly email-newsletter. I hope these all give you joy, useful information and inspiration.

Read the latest in Anatomy

Read the latest in Bodymind Theory

Read the latest in Poetry and Music

Read the latest in Technique


Explore a chronological, unfiltered look at all of my blog posts.


"Our hands imbibe like roots, so I place them on what is beautiful in this world. And I fold them in prayer, and they draw from the heavens, light."

St. Francis of Assisi