For those of you who would like a more detailed explanation of ZB - this is the link to “What is Zero Balancing?” the cover article published nearly 30 years ago by the Massage Therapy Journal. I love the sweet cover photo of ZB’s founder, Fritz Smith, MD working on his wife and a great teacher in her own right, Aminah Raheem.


I began this article in 1991 as part of what were then among the requirements to become a Certified ZB Practitioner. I proposed to Fritz, instead of the two short essays that were ordinarily assigned that I would write a little article for a national publication on Zero Balancing. So I started writing it. I went back and forth with Fritz, who refined and corrected my notions and words again and again with great patience. Back and forth we went for THREE YEARS - until we were both satisfied. So I hope you enjoy this piece that I spent three years working on!!

Remember ZB I is coming up on May 4-7, 2023 at The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School, which begins, if you so choose, our full-on Certification Intensive in this most fascinating form of bodywork.