At the Lauterstein-Conway School we have just been thrilled with 23 participants in the “Geometry of Healing” course.  For most of them – 17 - this is the culmination of their 100 hours in our Intensive Certification Program that began last May.  I felt that continuity would get this work more deeply into their bones. Ordinarily ZB Certification is self-scheduled through individual classes and sometimes momentum is lost along the way, taking years or not finishing at all. Also we had the support of the Zero Balancing Mentors who graciously did six free zoom meetings with our students.

Now that all our coursework has been completed, the task is to receive work from each student, give guidance and to soon pass them on into being certified. What an enormous boost to the ZB community they will be!!

What we know, learn and teach our students, clients, ourselves is more important than ever. May the wisdom embodied in Zero Balancing pervade the very bones of this earth and all of humanity! May all our fulcrums contribute to the greater “pyramid “– to all the places on this earth and all beings, so that peace will prevail.  

BTW – Did you know “Greek pyramis meant a "kind of cake of roasted wheat-grains preserved in honey," and in this sense is said to derive from pyros "wheat" on the model of sesamis. According to some old sources the Egyptian pyramids were so called from their resemblance to the form of the cake, but Beekes points out that "the form of the cake is actually unknown.”

I will ask each Intensive participant to bring a pyramidal cake or similar form to their graduation – making our whole world that much sweeter.
Thank you to Dr. Fritz Smith, ZB’s founder, to Sheila Palmer, the other participating ZB teacher in the whole process, Jeff Lennard who came over from London to co-teach one segment, our many assistants, the mentors, the ZB office, our school’s marketing department and to those who participated in these classes. It was the experience of a lifetime!

With Love,
David Lauterstein